
Lindsay Lohan - Asking Friends for Drugs in Rehab

the star is reporting on lindsay lohan and her progress in rehab. the promises rehab facility has allegedly allowed lilo to bring in her blackberry and text her friends! wtf! and of course she has been asking them for pills! she's having a hard time sleeping and needs sleeping pills. star reports:

Since detox, food still has not been a priority, but Lindsay reportedly is drinking lots of coffee, sweetened with about 25 packs of Splenda.

Said a Star source: "It's typical for someone coming off cocaine, even alcohol, to load up on sweets. I've heard this can happen with almost any patient. Sugar gives you a high."

well no duh lilo can't sleep!!! promises is enabling her in ways that will substitute her addictions temporarily.

insiders are saying her first four days were spent in detox, cleaning her body of alcohol, cocaine, percocet, vicodin and probably anything else you can tranquilize a cow with. yet, promises, a treatment center, allows lilo go to an offsite gym (how does this make sense?) and go to addiction group meetings at another location. i am wondering what promises is really used for. a training camp to keep your drug use incognito?

with recent rumors of britney spears dating her drug counselor from promises, i can just imagine what lilo's getting away with.

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